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Your responsibilities:

  • Independent creation of online campaigns and their advertising materials according to CI guidelines for PAYBACK and its partners.
  • Development of design concepts for various marketing topics.
  • Independent coordination and consultation in projects with the requesting departments.
  • Development of key visuals, from scribbles to finished illustrations, for all channels and sizes.
  • Elaboration and implementation of campaigns into the respective channels and advertising materials.

Your Profile:

  • Completed studies in graphic design, communication design, or a comparable education.
  • At least 5 years of professional experience in an agency or on the corporate side.
  • Creativity and precision in corporate design, excellent knowledge of Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator.
  • Fluent German language skills in both written and spoken (at least C1 level).
  • High commitment, flexibility, independence, and communication skills.
  • Enjoyment of precise, clean work, creativity, illustration skills, and enthusiasm for the PAYBACK brand.

How about?

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