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HR Highest Quality 2023

P PSZK particularly appreciated the Mystery Coffee, an initiative implemented in recent months to integrate our employees.

We are proud that our company, PAYBACK Poland has once again been awarded the HR Highest Quality 2023 certificate! PSZK particularly appreciated the Mystery Coffee, an initiative implemented in recent months to integrate our employees. It was created in response to fewer meetings between employees as a result of the hybrid work model.

The idea is simple: an internal system randomly pairs people up and then invites them for the proverbial coffee. Due to Mystery Coffee, people on our team can share knowledge, passions and take care of relationships – not only professionally, but also privately.

We would like to thank PSZK very much for the valuable prize and, by the way, immodestly brag not only about the delicious, inclusive coffee, but also:

✅ an extensive training program,

✅ the implementation of new benefits,

✅ a well-being Lifestyle program….

and many, many other proposals that you can get to know best by working with the PAYBACK team 😊

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